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Zazie the Beast (ザジ・ザ・ビースト, Zazie the Beast) is the fourth member of the Gung-Ho-Guns.

In the manga, Zazi lived on the planet Gunsmoke even before the nailed people, he was the leader of the legion of insects inhabiting the entire planet. In the anime, Zazi Beast is the youngest member of the Gung-Ho-Guns, he also controls bodies and calls himself No. 4 of the Gung-Ho-Guns.


He looks like a teenage boy, eyes with vertical pupils, blonde hair and violet eyes. He wore a vest over a beige dress shirt, brown pants, shoes, and a red bandana around his neck.


As Bete he was a kind and normal young boy, but after revealing himself as Zazie, he became cold and uncaring. It's also noted he despises children.


Insect Zazie

The insect that is Zazie.

Zazie the Beast is actually a legion of insects that were the original inhabitants of planet Gunsmoke. The first other being they ever saw was Knives, who interested them greatly. It is unknown how they became members of the Gung Ho Guns, but from what they said through their hosts, they at first had hoped to live harmoniously with humans and plants, but they eventually decided they'd be more inclined to living with plants likes Knives.

Zazie is seen at the resurfacing of Knives; he along with Leonof, Legato, Rai-Dei, Gray the Ninelives,Midvalley and Hoppered where there when Knives made Vash shoot with his Angel Arm into the moon, this lead to the formation of a huge crater on it. Two years later he is seen along with the Gung Ho Guns having a discussion on the true objective of the Gung Ho Guns: to make Vash suffer and to destroy his image of humanity. He is later seen observing a fight between Vash and Wolfwood, after Wolfwood killed Rai-Dei, who was trying to kill Vash, after losing to him.

After that, Zazie used one of his insects to spy on Vash's friends Milly and Meryl, who stopped a bad guy from harassing a girl in the town that they'd brought Vash and Wolfwood to for medical attention. He met with Midvalley and Hoppered after he kidnapped Meryl, to use her as bait. He then went to Vash and Wolfwood to give them the news. While the others were battling, Zazie decided to tell Meryl about Vash and Knives and how they were not actually humans but plants. Zazie was trying to see who was the winner of the two battles, but he is ultimately killed by Midvalley and Hoppered. Zazie is seen later inhabiting a new body, a young girl's body, and also manages to shoot Wolfwood and Hoppered. He is later seen after the intervention of Elendira, at the hospital treating his new human body.

Zazie has a little discussion with Wolfwood in the town that he and Vash were resting. He is later seen on Knives' Ark, were "they" (the legion of insects known as Zazie) have a little discussion with Elendira, where they tell him that Wolfwood and Chapel are dead, and that Livio and Razlo have joined Vash in his quest. They also say that they want to live in peace with either humans or plants. Zazie then takes down Elendira, and tries to take over Knives' body using a worm, but she is stopped by Legato, and Zazie's body is destroyed moments later by Knives. Still, the colony of insects uses another body to give Vash Zazie's Gung Ho Gun coin that he needed.

The anime features Zazie as Bete, a troubled young boy capable of controlling sand-worms with a high-frequency device he wears on his head. He is killed by Nicholas D. Wolfwood.

The exact nature of Zazie in the anime is never explained. Some believe that he was a dwarf assassin, while others say that he was a kid, and still, others suggest that he might have been the alien. he calls himself No. 4 of Gun-ho Guns. Is a human (although not specified - just a child or an adult of small stature). Able to control sandworms with a device. Killed by Wolfwood, causing him to quarrel with Vash.



The Gung-Ho-Guns
Monev the Gale Dominique the Cyclops E.G. Mine Rai-Dei the Blade Leonof the Puppet-Master
Gray the Ninelives Hoppered the Gauntlet Zazie the Beast Midvalley the Hornfreak Caine the Longshot
Chapel the Evergreen Elendira the Crimsonnail Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Impersonating Chapel) Livio the Double Fang Razlo the Tri-Punisher of Death