Marianne goes undercover as the granddaughter of the Standtall Federal Bureau that is staying at Cliff Schezar's residence as a guest.
Marrianne has long blond hair and purple eyes. She initially wears a white and lavender-colored dress, but later dresses in a red outfit.
Originally she acted in a polite manner and was soft-spoken. This changes when she reveals her true identity and intentions to arrest Cliff on corruption charges.
While at Cliff Schezar's residence, someone with blonde hair in red is believed to be sneaking about the mansion. In reality, Marianne is revealed to be the suspect and is a Marshall looking for proof of Cliff's corruption.
By the end of the episode, Marianne is impressed with Vash's skills and states to Meryl that she could "really fall for a guy like that", whereupon Meryl disagrees. Vash laments that it could have worked out, if not for the fact she would have arrested him if he confirmed his identity.