CRO Edition: TRIGUN za moj gušt - savršen primjer sinergije humanog čovjeka i prirode
(nota bene: OG MySpace formating w/o images)
U ovom mini eseju napisat ću nešto o ,subjektvino, najboljem animeu Trigun. On nije najbolji jer je savršen. On je poput nebrušenog dijamanta, poput dobrog jela kojemu treba vrijeme da se okus razvije. On je poput nas. Stoji tu na ovome svijetu sa svim svojim manama i vrlinama i živi neovisno od našeg mišljenja.
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Postoje neke stvari koje ne primjetite nakon prvog, drugog ili bezbroj puta gledanja. Takva je priroda ljudskog opažanja. Vidimo one pojave, stvari i činjenice koje želimo, što zavisi od toga u kolikom se intenzitetu to nešto javlja, koliko ono želi da nam se ukaže na prvi pogled. Neke su riječi ušivene između redaka, do nekih zaključaka u životu morate doći sami, bez tuđih sugestija.…
How to create a template?
I'm not sure how active this site still is but I'm trying to make a parge for "The Ark" and have no idea how to make a side templete to insert an image and give basic information about it.
Leadership of our wiki
Hey guys! :D Staff suggested I create a blog on us voting on group leadership of the wiki and providing sysop rights. I would be happy to take on the responsibility of taking over the wiki and helping make it something great! Please leave your thoughts below on who our new wiki owner should be. Peace!
Mistakes to be Corrected
Hi, i want to point out the mistakes here in Trigun. I believe I am reliable because I have watched and read Trigun several times, and I spend wasting my time on the internet for updates.
Now this is one of the mistakes I saw:
- Nicolas D. Wolfwood page
Nicolas's name spells wrong, It has H, please correct it.
Well done, everybody!
Well, to tell the truth, I had all but forgotten about this wiki. Because of some personal issues, I was unable to maintain the wiki, but thanks to you all, we have gotten a great start! Thanks again! Maggosh 05:07, 29 August 2009 (UTC)